In our baby room, we love the kids, pray over them, and tell them that Jesus loves them. Parents are welcome to bring any bottles/food that you would like and our amazing volunteers will follow your instructions.

Our 1-year-olds sing worship songs, watch a Bible Story, and have free play and snack time. We ask that no outside food is brought in due to allergies or unless we need to accommodate an allergy.

2's- 4-Pre-K

Carpet Time - Kids learn that the Bible is a book that God gave us and every word in it is true. Each week they learn a new Bible Story. Each week kids will also do a fun activity or game to help reinforce the Bible Story. 

Memory Verse - Each month kids learn a new memory verse that they will practice each week.

Worship & Video- Kids have fun singing worship songs and doing motions to the songs. They also watch a video of the Bible story.

Craft- Each week kids make a fun craft that represents the Bible Story or Memory Verse.

Snack Time - Snacks are provided. We ask that no outside food is brought in due to allergies or unless we need to accommodate an allergy.